Friday, December 28, 2007

Health literacy

I as a citizenship in the information society, not as a library and information specialist, am I able to make a right decision in my health problem.

I as a one who enjoys social networking in cyberspace to better communicate and better push a head, must to do a better choice when face a health problem.

Compare two people when face ill health. One start weeping, crying and feeling helpless,
The other one keeps calm then thinks to the choices and makes a good decision to release from the pain and problem.
Do I am a health literate?
Which one you would like to be? Vulnerable, dependent and sloucher or powerful one, dependable and knowledgeable one?

Do you think to offer your part to society and nature that has already granted and blessed you?

There are many organizations , nonprofit , individualand 3rd parties that they are sharing their own or their collected/selected information to help themselves and others to find a right path. For example see the folowings:


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